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Author Guidelines

The EAZ contains three main sections:

  1. Regular research papers (with external peer review)
  2. Open section e.g. for experimental & creative formats, discussion pieces, commentaries (not peer-reviewed)
  3. Book reviews and conference reports

The journal is also open to publish the proceedings of thematically relevant workshops and conferences. It is published online-first in an Open Access free-of-charge version (Diamond Open Access). A paper version will be printed once a year and can be purchased on demand.

Submission of Manuscripts

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts online via the collaborative editor Fiduswriter. Registration is free; optionally, a login via ORCID is possible.

Alternatively, authors can register directly with our Editorial Manager system OJS (again, free with optional ORCID-login).

EAZ Review and Production Process with Description of the Editorial Team Members‘ Roles

Manuscript Format Requirements

Following our philosophy of accounting for multivocal understandings of past and present, the authors are free to publish in any language of their choice in which they feel their ideas and findings can be best expressed in text form. At the same time, we acknowledge the growing role of English as a lingua franca in worldwide scientific communication. Therefore, in addition to the original version, an English translation of all non-English submissions is encouraged.

While preparing a manuscript, we strongly recommend the usage of our online collaborative editor Fiduswriter (see above), which will make it much easier to follow formalities. This is also used for subsequent communication with reviewers and editors. A tutorial for Fiduswriter is available online.

In case you choose not to use Fiduswriter, please follow these format requirements:

  1. A text might be written in any language of the author’s choice, an additional English version of the manuscript is recommended.
  2. A typical submission to the Regular Research Paper section will count between 5,000 and 12,000 words.
  3. Manuscripts should be structured as follows: title, author’s name, summary, text (in chapters and sections), bibliography, figure captions, and address.
  4. Manuscripts should employ italics, rather than underlining for emphasis; the placement of figures and tables should be marked within the text at the appropriate points.
  5. References cited should follow the Harvard (author-date) style of referencing. Please consult the EAZ text conventions for the appropriate format. If possible, use the CSL-style for EAZ (e.g. in Zotero).
  6. Only footnotes are allowed, which should be numbered consecutively in their order in the text.
  7. Contact information of all authors should include full names, full institution addresses (or private addresses), and e-mail addresses at the end of the text.
  8. Acknowledgements, if included, should appear as a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript text.
  9. Tables and figures should be titled, numbered with Arabic numerals, placed and cited in numeric order in the text, and prepared as separate files for submission. Captions for all figures should appear at the end of the manuscript file.
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